Dear BUMC Medical Education alumnus,
Welcome to the inaugural edition of The Flame, the official alumni newsletter of the Baylor University Medical Center at Dallas Medical Education program. This quarterly publication will help keep you informed of some of the latest happenings at your alma mater, including research and presentations by current residents and fellows, live and online CME opportunities, upcoming events, features spotlighting some of our remarkable graduates, and other items we think may be of interest to you.
However, as this is a new publication designed exclusively for our alumni, we want your feedback and story/topic ideas for future issues. We also want to keep up with where you are and what you’ve been doing, so please let us know about your accomplishments, honors, publications or other significant events in your life and practice.
In addition to this newsletter, we are seeking to grow our alumni organization into a dynamic resource for those who completed training at BUMC, so any thoughts or ideas you have are welcome. We would also be grateful for any assistance locating other BUMC Medical Education alumni for whom we may not have updated contact information.
Thank you for your interest in the BUMC Alumni Association. Please email any ideas or thoughts to Megan Crowe.
William Sutker, MD
Emeritus Director of Medical Education
Baylor University Medical Center at Dallas