Dear Baylor University Medical Center at Dallas (BUMC) alumnus:
Dear Baylor University Medical Center at Dallas (BUMC) alumnus:
For Dr. Sue Bornstein, becoming an internal medicine physician was simply a matter of entering the family business. A native of Dallas (and a Baylor baby), her father was an internal medicine physician on the Baylor University Medical Center at Dallas (BUMC) medical staff, so she was quite familiar with the Baylor brand even before entering medical school at Texas Tech University Health Science Center.
Around this time, the nation’s first health insurance plan was developed at Baylor Hospital. The “Baylor Plan” was established in 1929 by Baylor administrators during the Great Depression to help area citizens afford hospital care. It is the first prepaid hospital insurance plan in the United States and predecessor of Blue Cross.
Earlier this year, the Baylor University Medical Center at Dallas Medical Education Alumni Association, officially signed up their first recruits: William Sutker, MD, and Irving Prengler, MD, were the first two members with many other distinguished alumni to follow.
In July, Baylor University Medical Center at Dallas (BUMC) was thrust into the national spotlight with the shooting of 12 police officers and two civilians in downtown Dallas. A number of the victims were cared for by the hospital’s Level 1 Trauma Center under the direction of Michael Foreman, MD, FACS, medical director of Trauma and 1987 graduate of the BUMC surgical residency program.